Whisked Life: Mother’s Day at Mulberry Lane Farm

This year for Mother’s Day, I decided I wanted us to do something fun together…

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

This year for Mother’s Day, I decided I wanted us to do something fun together – something exciting that we don’t normally do. Then, I saw on Facebook that there was an event at a local farm where we could see all the baby animals and even pet them.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

I had taken Ellie here before for some pumpkin picking with my in-laws, but Ellie was so small and she was much more enthusiastic about them this time. Since it was a free event for moms, the farm was packed.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

I can’t believe these chickens let people hold them. One girl was nice enough to share this little brown chicken with Ellie.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

We saw chickens, turkeys, geese, pigs, sheep, cows, and goats.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

There was even a baby goat born while we were there. The one in the picture below was literally minutes old – and covered in goo, but it’s still so sweet.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

Mostly, Ellie was gentle with the animals, but she squeezed the crap out of this poor little gosling literally seconds after this picture was taken.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WI

The pigs weren’t really here favorite. I can’t decide if she was overwhelmed or just not into them.

Mother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WIMother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WIMother's Day 2016 - Mulberry Lane Farms, Hilbert, WIMother's Day 2016 2-1

And, there was a pony ride, which she spent saying, “horseyyyyyy. fuuuuuun.”

Mother's Day 2016 2-2

After the trip, if you asked her what animals she saw, she said, “COWS!”  She’s still talking about the cows now.

Mother's Day 2016 2-3

Mulberry Lane Farm

W3190 Co Rd B
Hilbert, WI 54129

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